Care Homes Research Blog

British Society of Gerontology (BSG) Special Interest Group (SIG)

This blog is a space for members to share, discuss, and learn from what's going on in care homes research

About the blog and its aims

We would like the blog to highlight and discuss issues within care homes that are research relevant. We particularly welcome bloggers with any first-hand experience in care home settings.

Bloggers may be those who conduct research in care homes but may also include ‘frontline’ care staff, as well as managerial staff, residents, or family members who would like to write about their experiences of research, or an issue that requires more research attention.

Perhaps you have been a research participant or have a desire to be included in future research.

Whatever your interests and perspectives, please think about writing a blog

The following are some suggestions for topics, but we are open to many others:

About the BSG and Care Homes Research SIG

The British Society of Gerontology (BSG), established in 1971, is the professional organisation representing gerontologists in Britain. It provides a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and other individuals interested in the situations of older people, and in how knowledge about ageing and later life can be enhanced and improved.

The BSG Care Homes Research Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to strengthen research, policy, and practice in all areas of care homes research, including those related to staff, residents, family members and carers, as well as the home environment, and its links with external organisations. We also aim to develop complementary working relationships with the other BSG SIGs, as well as other groups and organisations that support care homes research.

Get in touch

If you would like to join the Care Homes Research SIG and/or write a blog post to share your work, please email us at:

The SIG is free to join and open to anyone with an interest in care homes research. 

You can also find more information about the SIG at:


Recent Blog Posts


Please note that the views expressed on this blog are the views of the individuals concerned and, therefore, do not represent the views of the British Society of Gerontology (BSG) or the SIG.

All images on this site (unless otherwise stated) have been sourced from The Centre for Ageing Better’s age-positive image library.

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